1 February 2023
Newsletter Articles
Welcome to Week 2. It was lovely to hold our first whole school assembly this week. During our first assembly, we re-introduced our school leaders for 2023.
Student Council
Nate Barber, Emma Clarke, Thomas Compagnoni, Indiie Lawton, Gustavo
DaSilva, Maycie Zanette,
Daly House Captains:
Finn Wyatt and Olivia Bragg
Leahy House Captains:
Delany Andrews and Mia Duncan
MacKillop House Captains:
Preston Livermore and Ella-Shae Gardiner
Student Protection Contacts:
Please see below our student protection contacts for 2023:
Bernard Fitzgerald – Principal
Deanne Senini – Assistant Principal, Curriculum
Elizabeth Carter – Assistant Principal, Religious Education
Michelle Hoffman – School Counsellor
Brooke Black – Pastoral Support and Wellbeing Officer
Jessie Ivers – Indigenous Liaison Officer
Chelsea Holden – OSHC Coordinator
Upcoming Events:
Our opening school Mass will be held on Friday, 3rd February in OLHC church starting at 9am. All community members are welcome to attend.
We will be holding a welcome BBQ on Tuesday afternoon / evening, 7th February. This event will start at 4:30pm and conclude at 6:30pm. From 4:30 – 5:30, the classrooms will be open for parents to catch up with class teachers. There will be food (sausages and bread) and bottled water available throughout the night. Thank you to the P&F for catering this event.
There is a pupil free day on Friday, 17th February to enable all staff from our Catholic Schools to attend the annual Bishop’s Inservice Day. Please note there will be no OSHC offered on that day.
Please feel free to see any member of the Leadership Team if you have any concerns throughout the year.
Deanne Senini
Acting Principal
St Joseph’s 2022 School Improvement Priorities:
- Prayer
- Family Partnerships
- Increased Learning Gain & Achievement
4th Sunday in Ordinary Time
The Beatitudes
Living the Gospel – Be-attitudes
One way to read the Beatitudes is that Jesus was commending and blessing the various people who found themselves in those sorts of conditions. Another, is as a list of qualities that all people should strive to exhibit. It’s not just some people who happen to be economically poor who are blessed. Rather, we must all have a poverty of spirit – a humility about our need for God’s merciful action in our lives. All are called to hunger and thirst for justice and all are called to be merciful. The Beatitudes are not a menu to select from, but rather an essential list of ingredients.
@Liturgy Help – Greg Sunter
The Beatitudes
Sacramental Program
Please refer to the notice that went out on our SkoolBag app calling for expressions of interest for our 2023 Sacramental Program. This program is open to children who will be 9 years of age (or older) in 2023.
Your family's journey through the Sacraments allows you and your children to develop a deep sense of belonging to our Catholic faith community and a richer relationship with one another and with our God.
We would love to have you join us. If your family would like more information, please use the QR Code below:
A reminder that our Friday morning Mass and our Prayer Celebrations are held in Our Lady Help of Christians’ Church. We are excited to be able to use this sacred space to celebrate the Eucharist with our Parish and to see the creativity of our classes as they present their Prayer Celebrations. We welcome all members of our community to join us.
Mass is celebrated each Friday at 9:00am and each week a class will play an active role by proclaiming the Word of God and the Prayer of the Faithful.
Prayer Celebrations will continue to be celebrated at 10:30 each Friday. We begin these Friday February 10 with Year 6 presenting to our school.
A list of the Prayer Assemblies and other celebrations planned for the coming weeks is outlined below.
Liturgical Celebrations Coming Up
Week 2 |
Fri |
03 FEB |
Opening School Mass |
9:00am |
Week 3 |
Fri |
10 FEB |
Year 5 at Friday Mass Year 6 Prayer Celebration |
9:00am 9:00am |
Week 4 |
Sat |
18 FEB |
St Joseph’s School Community Mass |
6:30pm |
*SJPA – St Joseph’s Park Avenue
*OLHC – Our Lady Help of Christians church (next to St Joseph’s, Park
*HF – Holy Family Parish Centre (next to Anthony’s School)
*MPA – Multipurpose Area (Basketball court)
Elizabeth Carter
Assistant Principal Religious Education
Welcome families and friends of our Joey’s community as we begin the 2023 school year. A new year of learning experiences and opportunities for our students. Striving with enthusiasm and focus on our School Priorities of:
- Prayer Life
- Learning Dispositions
- Increased Learning Gain and Achievement.
Learning Dispositions
We introduced our Learning Dispositions in 2022 and will endeavour to explore and develop these skills in our learning adventures.
The capacity to recover quickly from difficulties
Continuing on a course of action despite difficulties
The state of being strong and not having to rely on anyone else
Using imagination and critical thinking to create something or solve a
Working with other people to achieve something
Please remember to hop onto Parent Lounge and check that your child’s medical details are up to date. It is essential that we know about any changes so that we can keep your child safe at school. If you have an action plan which needs updating, please arrange to get this done by your doctor, as we are legally required to have up-to-date medical plans.
Safer Internet Day
Tuesday, February 7, is ‘Safer Internet Day’, a great day to raise awareness amongst our families and friends about the challenges, risks and real-world impacts associated with the benefits of online access.
This year’s theme is: Connect. Reflect. Protect. Our students will take part in discussions and activities promoting this safety message.
You can find other great resources to support you and your children at:
Brooke Black
Acting Assistant Principal Curriculum
School Fees for Term 1 have been emailed & posted to Parent Lounge.
Term 1 Fees are due for payment on Wednesday 8th February, unless you have a direct debit in place.
Please ensure that you check your email or log into Parent Lounge to check your School Fees on a regular basis. If you now have another child at the school you may need to increase what you are currently paying so as to not get behind with Fees.
If you have a means tested Concession Card and have not yet given a copy to the Finance Secretary, please do so as soon as possible.
If paying by Direct Deposit, please use your Account Number as the reference instead of names (this is the 6-digit number on your Fee Statement).
Congratulations to the following students who will celebrate their birthday this week. They are: Sienna Bidgood (Prep), Taylarni Henaway (Yr 4), Korbin Hain (Yr 1), Harrison Hardy (Yr 2), Lincoln Bimrose (Yr 1), Jack Nightingale (Prep), Jax Byrnes (Yr 2), Wesley Johnson (Yr 5), Spencer Barber (Yr 4), Zane Barber (Yr 4) and Kruz Howard (Yr 2)
Have a great day.
Applications for Year 7 2024, close very shortly. We invite interested families with students in Year 6 this year to enrol to join our Emmaus College Community. Enrolment Interviews commence on Tuesday 14 March 2023. Interviews will only be guaranteed for families who have completed their enrolment application by Friday 3 March 2023.
To apply visit our college website https://emmaus.qld.edu.au/enrolatemmaus/ or for more information, contact our college Enrolment Officer, Sonya Acutt, via phone 0749235758 or email enrolments@emmaus.qld.edu.au
Enrolments are now being accepted for new and continuing students to learn the following instruments at St. Joseph’s Park Avenue.
Instrumental Music provides so many benefits to a child – please watch the attached link to a fantastic video about Music and the Brain: Instrumental Music Learning and Brain Fireworks
Please see the attached information letter for details on required year levels for each instrument, and a downloaded version of the enrolment form.
Enrolment is available online from the link below.
Leanne Voss will continue to offer Keyboard lessons in 2023 for interested students in grades 1 – 6.
Lessons are of 30-minute duration and will be conducted weekly at school.
Students will be required to have access to a keyboard for practice and purchase a music tutor book and theory book. Lessons will generally be given to groups of 2 or 3 students with some individual lessons available when it is not possible to match students of similar musical ability. The lessons will focus on using a chord bass with an emphasis on utilising keyboard features such as different tones and rhythms.
Playing keyboard is an excellent extra curriculum activity to develop not only musical skills, but creative thinking, hand-eye coordination, concentration and commitment to task.
Enrolment forms are available from the office and in the newsletter for both new and continuing students.
Drakes Fundraiser for St. Joseph's Cathedral
I thank you for your support of this project which has raised over $40,000, of which the school community has played an important role. Please continue to support the Cathedral by shopping at DRAKES using your key tag and receiving the benefits.
If you have not been part of this fundraiser you are invited to get a key tag from your local School or Church and shop at your local Drakes, one cent in every dollar you spend will go to the Cathedral. No Fuss, only benefits.
Hoping to see you at Drakes
Stay Safe
Shirley Hopkins,
Co-ordinator, Drakes Fundraiser for St
Joseph's Cathedral