St Joseph's Catholic Primary School Park Avenue
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Main St, Park Avenue
North Rockhampton QLD 4701

Phone: 07 4994 8205

31 August 2022

Newsletter Articles


Dear Parents & Guardians

Welcome back to our Year 6 students who attended their rescheduled camp at Chaverim last week. Thanks to Miss Hamilton, Mrs Jones, Miss Brosnan, Mr Nicholson and Mrs Senini who gave of their time and attended in order for us to meet COVID protocols and provide our students with the opportunity to experience year 6 camp.

I would like to acknowledge our Netball & Rugby League Grand Final teams who competed last Friday at Jardine Park and Browne Park respectively. Our Senior A netballers won their final against RGS convincingly 22-7 and our 5B netball team going into overtime before being nipped at the post by Frenchville.

Our Rugby League 5C team played well but were beaten by a tough Mount Archer team on the day. Thanks to all staff who took teams for sport in Season B this year.

The Capras Cup 9 -10 years Rockhampton & District Final was played at Browne Park last Saturday between Rockhampton winners, St Joseph’s Park Avenue and Keppel Coast winners, St Benedict’s Yeppoon.

The game was played as an early curtain raiser for the CAPRAS last home game of the season and was a very hard-fought match with high quality football played by both teams. In the end, Joeys were victorious 16-10 taking home the trophy for 2022. A big thank-you to coaching ‘Dream Team’ Miss Hamilton and Miss Brosnan for coaching the team this year. An awesome effort from both staff and students.

Just a friendly reminder that Prep Offers for 2023 were emailed out last Friday. Please jump on and confirm your place for 2023 as soon as possible.

Remember that Prep Orientation Day is scheduled for October the 20th so keep that date free in your calendar if you have a Preppie starting in 2023.

Unfortunately, during the week I was made aware that my Principal’s Appraisal that was scheduled for this week has been rescheduled due to unforeseen circumstances. The new date will be Tuesday, 18th October in Term 4.

Book Week dress-up day will be held tomorrow with a Parade taking place in the Multi-Purpose Area at 10:30am. I am sure plenty of photos will be posted for those who are unable to attend.

Even though we are always very diligent in regard to student safety, car-park drop-off and pick-up times are always times in which we need to be especially conscious of the safety of our children. Please, if you are parking in the middle section of our car-park, you should escort your children over to the drop off zone. It is a busy time in the mornings, and sometimes our students may forget to look for incoming traffic. I know this may take a little longer, but it is also the safest option for our precious kids. Thank-you for your help in this matter.

Thank-you to the school’s P&F Association who hosted a wonderful Trivia Night last Saturday evening. The Disney theme was enjoyed by all with fantastic costumes worn and plenty of laughs had by all. The P&F wanted to host 10 tables on the night and ended up with 18. What an excellent result. A special shout out to Mrs Mooney who was Quiz Master and hosted the evening as well. Money raised will go toward replacing the touch screen Commboxes in Years 2, 3 and 4 in early 2023.

Please remember that this Friday, 2nd September is a Pupil Free Day.

Have a great Week 8

Don’t Forget….

  • 2023 Prep Offers were emailed out. Fri 26th Aug
  • SJPA Book Week. 29th Aug – 2nd September
  • Book Fair. 29th Aug – 1st Sept
  • Joey’s in Jamas. Wed 31st Aug
  • Book Week Dress-up Day. Thurs 1st Sept
  • Pupil Free Day, Fri 2nd Sept
  • Father’s Day, Sun 4th Sept
  • Semester 2 Parent/Teacher Interviews. Week 9, 5th – 9th Sept
  • National Child Protection Week (NAPCAN). 4th – 9th Sept
  • R U OK? Day. Thurs 8th Sept
  • Colour Run Day. Fri 16th Sept
  • Last Day of Term 3. Fri 16th Sept

Kindest Regards
Bernard Fitzgerald
Principal - St. Joseph’s Catholic School Park Avenue

St Joseph’s 2022 School Improvement Priorities:

  • Prayer
  • Family Partnerships
  • Increased Learning Gain & Achievement

Positive COVID Case Notification

St Joseph’s Catholic School Park Avenue wishes to advise you that, during the past week, we have been notified of positive cases of COVID-19 in our school community.

St Joseph’s regularly consults with the Catholic Education Office and relevant authorities and continues to follow the advice of Queensland Health regarding cleaning requirements.

Queensland Health has advised that no quarantine of students or staff is required.

As COVID-19 remains active in our community we ask you to continue to monitor your child’s/children’s health and if they develop any flu-like symptoms:

  • Keep your child/children at home
  • Seek a PCR or Rapid Antigen test where it is recommended and notify the school of positive results. Please be aware, a negative COVID test does not change the requirement to be symptom free to attend school.
  • Follow the advice of Queensland Health

As we continue to navigate the pandemic, please remind your child/ren to:

  • maintain good hand hygiene at all times
  • cover coughs and sneezes with a tissue or the inside of their elbow and dispose of tissues in the bin immediately.
  • practice social distancing from others where possible
  • wear masks when required

We will continue to work closely with health authorities to keep our school community informed of any developments and advice. Thank you once again for your ongoing support.

22nd Sunday Ordinary Time

Humble yourself and you will be exaulted.

Luke 14:7-14

Living the Gospel – What’s the cost?

Jesus’ message about humility is as relevant today as it was in the first century. It is part of human nature to want to fit in and to want to belong. Sometimes we are tempted to seek this acceptance at any cost. When our sense of belonging is achieved through the harming, humiliation, or exploitation of others then the price is too high. When our desire for the latest fashion comes at the expense of others being able to simply live, then the price is too high. When we lift ourselves up by putting others down, then the price is too high.

@Liturgy Help – Greg Sunter


The Australian Catholic Bishops Conference reserve the last Sunday in August for Social Justice Sunday. This initiative in the Catholic church dates to 1940 and calls for all to be compassionate. An act of kindness could be the change in someone’s life.

This year, the theme for Social Justice Sunday is Respect: Confronting Violence and Abuse.

Our Catholic Social Teachings call us to be authentic and holistic followers of Christ, to work for all and for our earth. The theme for Social Justice Sunday this year is based on our belief in the Dignity of the Human Person. We believe we are made in God’s image, and this means we have a God-given dignity.

The QR Code below will take you to an audio recording of this year’s Social Justice Statement.

Liturgical Celebrations Coming Up







Week 8


2nd SEPT


Week 9


9th SEPT

Prep Father’s Day Prayer Celebration



Week 10


16th SEPT

Prep and Year 6 at Mass



Sustainability Group Prayer Celebration



*SJPA – St Joseph’s Park Avenue
*OLHC – Our Lady Help of Christians church (next to St Joseph’s, Park Avenue)
*HF – Holy Family Parish Centre (next to Anthony’s School)
*STM – St Mary’s Church (next to St Mary’s School)
*MPA – Multipurpose Area (Basketball court)


Elizabeth Carter
Assistant Principal Religious Education


Book Week

This year, Book Week will be celebrated a week later than normal due to a clash with Year 6 camp. Joey’s in Jamas will be held on Wednesday, 31st August in the library. Our annual dress up day will be held on Thursday, 1st September. Both these events are generally very well supported by our community so I look forward to seeing everyone at Joey’s in Jamas and seeing the wonderful creative costumes at the dress up parade. The theme for Book Week 2022 is ‘Dreaming with Eyes Open’.

Book Fair is also in the library during Week 8.

Parent Teacher Interviews

Parent teacher interviews will be held in Week 9. If you missed out on booking an interview through parent lounge, please make contact directly with your child’s teachers. Students are encouraged to attend their interview to be part of the conversation regarding their progress in their learning. If you can’t make your booked appointment, please let the teachers know, so that they aren’t waiting around for you.

Pilbeam Theatre Show during September Holidays

Please see below for information regarding a show which will be held at the Pilbeam Theatre during the upcoming school holidays which may interest your child.

Deanne Senini
Assistant Principal Curriculum


Yr 4

Year 4 has had a very busy term and we have been excited to have Miss Wornum and Miss Bromley with us. These are our amazing pre-service teachers and they have done great work with the students. One big highlight of the term was getting to dress up for Science Week and celebrate our learning in Science! Make sure you check out our great photos.

We asked Year 4 to share their favourite parts of their learning this term.


Hi I’m Cooper Pettett, I am in year 4. We have some very nice teachers! We do work… and play. My teachers are Mr Tennyson, Mrs Chapman, Mrs Walton, and last of all Mrs McLeod! In English we are learning about persuasive devices e.g: rhetorical questions, exaggeration. In Maths we’re learning division in an easier way e.g: 200 divided by 4 = 50. In HaSS we are learning about Africa, South America, and Australia. In Science we are learning about erosion.

Benn and Blake

We are learning about a different way of division for Maths.


This term in Maths with Mrs Chapman we are learning about division with remainders. Division is really interesting and enjoyable! I love doing division and multiplication, it’s one of my favourite parts of Maths. I’m excited to see what we’re learning next!


In Year 4 we have been learning how to write persuasive texts. My name is Charlotte and I’m a focus student for English (for Miss B’s university studies). Miss B said she absolutely loves how dramatic I am. The first persuasive text I wrote was movies vs books and then birthday cakes vs. ice cream cakes. You have to give lots of reasons why one is better than the other.


In Year 4 we have been learning how to write persuasive texts with an amazing, kind, loving teacher, Miss Bromley. She is an amazing teacher. In Geography we have been learning to navigate areas in America, South Africa and Australia. In Science we have been learning about erosion. We also did this sandcastle when we had to measure how much erosion happened.


I have learnt something amazing this term! We have learnt how to read an atlas and about Australia, Africa and South America in HaSS. We have also been beaming with joy on Science, English and Maths. We have been doing experiments in Science, Persuasive Writing in English and a Division maths test. We love everything that we have been learning this term and we are always ready for more work!


I like Math because I like how you taught us division, multiplication and place value. My reason of liking this subject is because I like how we get to solve different sums and worded problems, so that’s why I like Math.


I enjoyed playing around in Tech and also having Miss Bromley in our class to teach us. Also in HaSS I loved reading Atlases and doing the climates as well, that was really interesting.


I love learning about persuasive writing and seeing how I can improve my writing. I also like learning about emotive language, making my wording better for characters in my story.


In Year 4 my favourite thing I have been learning is Science. My name is Madeleine and my teachers that teach Science is Miss B and Mrs Walton. They make sure I am having fun in school while still learning. Sometimes they crack a joke. One more thing: St Joseph’s Park Avenue is the best school.


Thursday 8 September
You’re Invited!!!

Community Breakfast Sausage Sizzle

In building awareness and growth as a mentally healthy community, we will be promoting RU OK? Day at Joey’s. We will join together from 8 am as you enter the school to enjoy a sausage sizzle (provided by the school) and the great company of those in our community.

Free Dress Day (we are raising awareness, not money)

Students are encouraged to show their support during the day by wearing a RU OK? Day, kindness or yellow shirt. Hats and enclosed shoes are expected.

Student and Staff Wellbeing
Brooke Black


Congratulations to the following students and staff who will celebrate their birthday this week. They are: Elie Clinton-Smith (Yr 5), Archie Bauman (Yr 1), Fletcher Boswood (Prep), Ava Semple (Yr 5), Olivia Coleman (Yr 1), Hudson McGuire (Yr 1), Maycie Zanette (Yr 5), Grace Gregson (Prep), Saige Littleboy (Prep), Tom Compagnoni (Yr 5), Mrs Carter (APRE) and Mrs McLeod (PE & Yr 4)

Have a great day.


Our Uniform Shop is open Friday Mornings from 8:00 – 8:45am. The Joeys and Friends Facebook page will still have what is available for sale.


Calling all students, parents, grandparents, neighbours, and friends!! St Joey’s will be participating in the Wonder Recycling Rewards program! By collecting your BREAD BAGS for school, we can earn points for new sporting equipment.

What kind of bread bags are we collecting?

The rule of thumb is that if it has contained bread of some sort and is a soft plastic, then it's a bread bag that we can collect (all brands). lf it hasn't contained bread, then it's not a bread bag we can use.

How clean do the bags have to be?

Bread bags should be free from crumbs to ensure no contamination during the recycling process but they do not need to be washed.

Are we collecting bread TAGS too?

No, at this stage we are not collecting bread tags, but you can still recycle them!

When do we start collecting?

NOW!! We can start collecting our bread bags while we wait for our official collection boxes to arrive.


Drakes Fundraiser for St. Joseph's Cathedral

I thank you for your support of this project which has raised over $40,000, of which the school community has played an important role. Please continue to support the Cathedral by shopping at DRAKES using your key tag and receiving the benefits.

If you have not been part of this fundraiser you are invited to get a key tag from your local School or Church and shop at your local Drakes, one cent in every dollar you spend will go to the Cathedral. No Fuss, only benefits.

Hoping to see you at Drakes

Stay Safe

Shirley Hopkins,
Co-ordinator, Drakes Fundraiser for St Joseph's Cathedral