St Joseph's Catholic Primary School Park Avenue
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Main St, Park Avenue
North Rockhampton QLD 4701

Phone: 07 4994 8205

27 June 2018

Newsletter Articles


Today will mark the first occasion that our Semester report cards are posted onto Parent Lounge instead of being sent home as a physical document. Reports should be available for you to view, download and print as of approximately 3:00pm this afternoon. This also means that you will now always have access to your children’s reports when you need them.

We hosted our first Academic Award Assembly on Monday morning and it was wonderful to see over 70 Navy – Outstanding Effort Awards presented. A number of Maroon Academic Awards as well as handful of Gold, Silver and Bronze Academic Awards were also presented. At the end of the assembly I chose to provide the following four challenges to our students for Semester 2.

  1. For those who received a Gold Award, the challenge was to be determined to maintain their commitment to their academic achievement.
  2. For those who received any Award, that they be determined to strive for an even better Award in Semester 2.
  3. For those students disappointed to not receive an Award, I challenged them to reflect on their commitment to their learning. To not ask why they didn’t receive an award but to ask their teachers WHAT THEY NEED TO DO to increase their academic performance in Semester 2.
  4. My final challenge was to remind all of our Year 1-6 students that they all have the ability to achieve an effort Award and that they need to be determined to put in the best effort to their learning each and every day.

Please encourage your children to reflect on these challenges.

For the first time, I also presented our new Joey’s Sports logo to the students, pointing out that it does not need to be solely representative of our sporting achievement. I mentioned that we purposefully wanted our ‘Joey’ to show determination and commitment, no matter what the endeavour. We always want our students to be determined to do their best and continually strive to move forward, and have the resilience to overcome any obstacle in their way. I am absolutely chuffed with how it turned out and can’t wait to see it on our Joey’s gear in the future.

I was delighted to receive a wonderful gift from Prep M a couple of weeks ago in the form of a book that they created. The book chronicled the excitement that they experienced during the new facilities construction and says thank-you for the new Adventure Playground. The book is a wonderful reminder of the lovely, appreciative students we have in our community. I have included pictures for you to see their wonderful work.

Well done to the Joey’s community that raised $514 for the Give Me 5 for Kids charity last Friday. The money raised will contribute towards local children’s hospital wards.

The National Evangelisation Team are here for 12 months on a voluntary basis working with the Northside Parish and Catholic Schools. The NET Team desperately need donations to help them in their ministry. We are asking for either grocery cards (Coles, Woolies etc) or fuel cards that could help purchase household food for meals and put fuel into the team’s car. Any donated cards can be dropped into the school office and any amount would be greatly appreciated.

Finally, we say goodbye to Mr Joyce from Grade 2 this week. Geoff has been a great asset to the school over the last few years and we are lucky enough that Geoff will still be available to come in for relief work in the future. I hope you all join me in wishing Geoff the best and showing our appreciation for all he has done for our Joey’s community.

Don’t Forget …

  • FREE DRESS DAY – Thursday, 28th June
  • Term 3 commences – Tuesday, 17th July
  • NAIDOC Mass – Tuesday, 17th Jul
  • Challenge Cup – Wed – Fri, 18th – 20th July
  • District Athletics, Tues 24th & Wed 25th July
  • 2019 Prep interviews, Weeks 2 – 4 of Term 3

Have a great week and a wonderful mid-year holiday break.


Bernard Fitzgerald
Principal - St Joseph’s Catholic School, Park Avenue


In this week’s Gospel, Elizabeth gives birth to John (Luke 1: 57-66, 80.)

We heard that God loved us even before we were born. We are all called to be God's children and to help build up God's kingdom on earth. John the Baptist had the task of preparing the way for Jesus. We all have the task of helping other people to come to know Jesus.

  • Who do you know who shows you the way to Jesus?
  • What do these people do?
  • We can show the way to Jesus too.
  • What can you do this week to show others the way to Jesus?

© Creative Ministry Resources Pty Ltd

Bernadette Brennan
Acting APRE

Mass times


Tuesday 9.00am Holy Family
Wednesday 12.00 Noon St Mary’s
Thursday 8.00am Emmaus College (Yaamba Rd)
Friday 9.00am Our Lady Help of Christians


Saturday – Vigil
6.00pm Holy Family
6.00pm Our Lady Help of Christians

7.00am St Mary’s
9.00am Holy Family

Bernadette Brennan
Acting APRE


Challenge Cup Term 3

The first week back next term (Wed 18th – Fri 20th), 25 of our students will represent Joey’s in the annual Catholic Schools Challenge Cup. Mrs. Tranberg and Miss Agius are taking the netball team, and Mr. Fitzgerald and Mr. Nicholson are taking the rugby league team.

Challenge Cup is a three-day carnival hosted by Sacred Heart School and St. Benedict’s School Yeppoon held at St. Brendan’s College. This carnival showcases all the Catholic Primary Schools from the Rockhampton Diocese. Pools, draws and canteen price list along with other information will be distributed to the players once the school is notified of these details.

NO Interschool Sport Term 3 Week 1 due to Challenge Cup.

JOEYS Visors for Sale

The new school visors have arrived and are available for purchase from the office for $10 each.

Bernadette Brennan
Acting APRE



You should have received a letter explaining the 2018 Premier’s Reading Challenge. Every child is invited to participate in this challenge and read or experience a number of books over the next few months. The challenge runs from Monday 14 May until Friday 24 August.

This year the Premier has challenged all school students from Prep to Year 2 to read or experience 20 books, Years 3 and 4 to read 20 books and Years 5 to 9 to read 15 books. Experiencing books can include shared reading, listening to stories or reading picture books.

Every student who completes the challenge will receive a Certificate of Achievement signed by the Premier.

For more information about the Premier’s Reading Challenge, please visit:


As of this year report cards will only be able to be accessed through Parent Lounge. They will no longer be printed and sent home. Parents will be able to access these reports from Wednesday 27th June. To ensure you are able to access your child’s report card, I advise you ensure you can log on to Parent Lounge before that date. To access Parent Lounge, you will need a username and password which was sent home to every parent earlier this year. If you do not have that information, please see the ladies in the office. Please go to the following link to access Parent Lounge:

Additionally, if you do not have access to a computer or internet, please contact the office and we will make a computer available at school for you to view your child’s report.


Our annual Under 8’s morning will take place at St Joey’s in Term 3 on Thursday 30th August. This is a day where we celebrate the learning and development of our younger students. The day will begin with a short liturgy in the multi-purpose area. Following the liturgy, the children will be free to investigate the various hands on activities prepared by our Prep – Year 3 teachers. Parents are most welcome to attend this part of the day. After first break students will head back to class where they will complete activities with their class for the rest of the day. Students in Prep to Year 3 are invited to come along to this day in free dress. It is essential that this free dress consists of clothing which is sun safe (no sleeveless shirts), a school hat and fully enclosed shoes. If you are able to assist your child’s teacher on the day, please let them know as soon as possible. If you have any questions about this day, please don’t hesitate to see me.


I would like to extend my thanks to Emmaus College who kindly donated 6 pre-loved microscopes to Joeys. These have been placed in our library for use in classrooms. I’m sure many students will welcome the opportunity to utilise this equipment. We value the positive relationship we have with Emmaus and thank them for this generous donation.

I hope everyone has a restful break over the holidays and are able to recharge ready to start our next semester of learning. School resumes on Tuesday, 17th July. Please note Monday, 16th July is a pupil free day.


Deanne Senini
Assistant Principal Curriculum



Prep students have been hard at work over the last few weeks and are heading towards a well-earned break. We loved the excitement of participating in our first ever school athletics carnival doing our best in the races and ball games.

Back in the classroom students have engaged in Literacy and Math rotations, extending their knowledge through hands on learning opportunities.

Our most exciting part of this term was the construction of the new playground! We eagerly watched and waited to be able to try it out. We journaled the changes we saw every day and put on our engineer’s hat to design and create our own playground.

As we approach the half way mark of the Prep year we can all see how much they have all grown. We wish you all a safe and happy break. See you all in Term 3!

Yr 1

Half way through Year 1

It’s been a long 11-week term but we survived and can’t believe we are half way through the year. We all seem to be losing teeth at the moment but it hasn’t stopped us from learning.

Some of our favourite things we learned are:

Nate and Caitlin- We learned how to count on 1 and how to count on 10
Tom- I liked the story about the Hare and the Tortoise.
Coco- I liked learning all about the numbers on the hundred chart.
Maycie- I learned all about doubles.
Lilly- I learned to make good choices.
Matilda- I learned lots of different words to help me be a better reader.
Preston- I learned to not be selfish like the Hare in the story ‘Hare and Tortoise’.
Mace- I learned to use my capitals when I write sentences.
Olivia- I am getting better at using my full stops.
Jack- I liked learning all about number facts.
Lachlan- I like doing rotations because they are fun.
Ava- I am learning to not sit with my friends so I am a better learner.
Patrick- I learned to not be a show-off.
Emma- I like that I can now count in 2s to 100 because it was my goal.

Enjoy the holiday break. It’s been well earned.

From the Year 1 team.

Yr 2

What a great term we have had in year 2!!!!! It is hard to believe that the holidays are nearly upon us. In Geography, we currently have a mini focus looking at the states, capital cities and major landmarks of Australia. We will be moving out into who our neighbouring countries and oceans are and what the continents of the world are.

Here are some of the highlights from term 2.

In Science and Design Technologies we made our own parachutes by using everyday materials and tested them to see how they would fly.

We have been focusing on our school and classroom prayers and different way we can pray to God.

In Art we have been looking at how we can grid our page to help us sketch our drawings.

We have been continuing to expand on our writing techniques.

From all of Year 2 and Mrs Farr and Mr Joyce


What a semester full of events! From visiting Happy Healthy Harold to acting out a scene from the book called Savannah Dreams, then writing beautiful poems! It has been jammed packed! Thanks for a great semester 3F!


3T - Reading

Reading is an important part of our school work every day in 3T. These photos were taken last Friday (free dress day) during reading group time.

We hope everyone’s holidays are nice and relaxing.

From Mrs Tennyson and the students of 3T

Yr 4

We have had a brilliant Term 2. We have been working super hard in class making sure we are listening hard and learning heaps. We have had a busy term which Year 4 actively participated in. Here is some of the fun we’ve had:

Cross Country – the Yr 4’s represented themselves very well with not only participating in our school Cross Country but we also had several of us represent the school in the Interschool Cross Country.

Fete – Wow how amazing were we!!!! Not only did we produce over 200 sample bags but we sold them all to win the P&F Pizza Party. A big thank you to all the treasures in Year 4 as well as their parents for donations and packing the bags. Special mention goes to Miss Brosnan who manoeuvred around the bags attaching the thank you slips and popping in forgotten items.

Beef Week – On our best behaviour we represented our school at Beef Week. We enjoyed numerous activities and learnt heaps about how our farms and auctions work. We produced great google slides to show our learning.

Opening of the Upper Learning Precinct – Some of our Year 4’s participated in this wonderful opportunity through choir. They performed wonderfully and are forever a part of the Joey’s history pages.

Sports Days – Congrats to everyone who joined in and actively participated in our Joey Sports Days. We set a record (we think so anyway) by having 47 out of 49 students join in on Tuesday and all ran and joined in our ball games. Two very proud teachers in attendance that day.

Mini Vinnies – Hopefully by now you’ve heard all about our Mini Vinnies adventure. We were very grateful for the opportunity to attend a workshop run by Mrs Thompson. We learnt all about how we are the missing puzzle piece in helping out our communities.

And so we think it’s time for a well-deserved holiday for all concerned. Rest up, have fun and come back in Term 3 ready for amazing learning adventures.

Yr 5

Term 2 in Year 5

Yr 6

Dancing in Year 6


Congratulations to the following students who will celebrate their birthday this week and over the holidays. They are:

Jaxson Field (PM), Cruz Roberts (Yr 2), Jayla Dale (Yr 6), Slater Robertson (1H), May Seaby (Yr 6), Matilda Walker (Yr 4), Mackenzie da Silva (Yr 2), Denzel Dougan (Yr 4), Adyn Slater (3F), Tyler Ivers (Yr 1), Slade Carey (Yr 2), Charlee Cant (Yr 6), Ella Jackson (Yr 6), Jacob Baker (Yr 1), Cairon Smith (Yr 2), Maiya White (Yr 2), Isabel Harth (Yr 2), Hudson Doblo (Yr 4), Jake Baker (PG),Izabella Darwin (Yr 2), Brenten Haigh (Yr 6), Ebony Hansen (Yr 2), Rhyver maker (PG), Saxon Maker (PM),William Whiting (Yr 6), Bailey McLaughlin (Yr 5) and Flynn Assay (Yr 4).

Have a great day.


Please find attached the Booking form and Program for the upcoming School Holidays. Chelsea will also have these over in the room.


School banking every Thursday.

Please send your child’s banking book in so they can place it in the grey classroom-banking bag.


WPH&S Volunteers Inductions are necessary for the safety of your children. Therefore, we ask that all parents who generously volunteer their time to the school, either in a classroom or in the tuckshop, attend a very brief induction regarding maintaining a safe environment for the children of St. Joseph’s.

These sessions do not take long and are available after assembly on a Monday morning with Deanne Senini, and on Wednesday afternoons from 2:30pm - 3:00pm. Debbie Rooney will also be conducting induction sessions in the tuckshop, if you are helping in there.



Our uniform shop is run by VOLUNTEERS of the school and is open

Monday morning from 8:15 - 8:45
Tuesday afternoon from 2:45 - 3:15
Friday morning 8:15 – 8:45

Please feel free to drop any uniforms you no longer need so they can put out to sell. Proceeds can go back to you or you can donate it back to the P & F.

The Uniform Shop has quite a lot of good second hand uniforms. Please feel free to pop in (at the opening times above), and have a look.

There are second hand Emmaus uniforms also.


Meatlovers and Hawaiian Pizza are available every Friday for $1.50/slice. Please have your order in a Brown Paper Bag with your name, class and order on it, with the money in side.

Please use a brown paper bag with child’s name and class written on the front.



Simply scan your Drakes Supa IGA key tag and the checkout with your groceries, and automatically 1 cent of every dollar you spend goes to the Cathedral Conservation Fund.

Key tags are available from the office; local church or Drakes stores. Put it on your car keys so you remember to use it.

Key tags can be used at any Drakes Supa IGA supermarket in Queensland. Currently in our Diocese Drakes stores are located at

  • Glenmore (North Rockhampton)
  • Emu Park