St Joseph's Catholic Primary School Park Avenue
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Main St, Park Avenue
North Rockhampton QLD 4701

Phone: 07 4994 8205

26 October 2016

Newsletter Articles


This week we welcome Mrs Bernadette Brennan who has been appointed to the role of Acting APRE for the remainder of Term 4. Mrs Brennan will also be taking on the PE and sports coordinating duties during this time.

This in turn has created a vacancy in Year 6 and I am pleased to advise that Mrs Karen Fox will be the new teacher in Year 6.

Mrs Fox is an experienced teacher who is looking forward to working with Miss Black and our current Year 6 class. I am sure you will join with me in welcoming Karen to our St Joseph’s family.

We are also in the process of generating our St Joseph’s class lists for 2017 over the next couple of weeks. Please keep in mind that we have already created our Prep list for 2017 and our current Year 3-5 students will be entering the Flexible Learning Areas as an entire group together. Taking this into consideration, if you have serious concerns about your child’s placement in 2017 you need to schedule an appointment through the office to see me before the end of Week 5.

This Friday we will be taking part in both ‘Bandanna Day’ and ‘Day for Daniel.’ Students will be able to purchase bandannas at school throughout the week. The purchase of these bandannas supports CANTEEN and their effort to support teenagers dealing with cancer.

While at Joeys we have often just worn a red shirt to bring awareness to Day for Daniel’s cause, this year we are also asking students to bring in a gold coin donation to support the funding of the creation of the movie, ‘Where is Daniel?’

Last Thursday evening a number of our Grade 3 & 4 students took part in the Sacrament of Reconciliation/First Penance at Holy Family church. The night was a wonderfully reflective experience and we were most thankful to have Fr Don, Fr Frank and two of our visiting Indian priests there on the night. Well done to all of the parents and students who took part and a special thank you to Beryl Mills our Sacramental Coordinator for all the work she has put in across the year.

Don’t Forget …

  • Fri 28/10 - Day for Daniel;
  • Fri 28/10 - Bandanna Day;
  • Wed 16/11 - Swimming Carnival.

I hope you have a great week.

Bernard Fitzgerald
St. Joseph’s PA Acting Principal


Saint Joseph’s Park Avenue Leadership Prayer

Dear God
Help us to embrace the important role we play
in the lives of children.
We pray that we lead with love, respect and dignity,
just as your son Jesus did.


Grade 2F Prayer Assembly

Grade 2F will be leading the school in prayer this Friday morning in Our Lady Help of Christians Church at 11:40am. With October being the month of Mary, the Grade 2 class will be focusing on the important role that Mary played in the life of Jesus, and how she can be a model for all Christian people.

Hope to see you there.

Term 4 Children’s Mass

Thank you to all who attended last weekend’s Children’s Mass. The Students read beautifully and it was great to see so many staff, students and parents come together to celebrate the Eucharist.

Our final Children’s Mass for the year will be held on Saturday the 19th of November.

It would be fantastic to have another great turn out to our final mass.

Peer Support – ‘Moving Forward - Resilience’ 5th Session

We introduce a 3 step model this week to encourage resilient responses; Pause, Plan, Proceed. The children take part in an activity to identify their feelings and the immediate effects on their bodies ie butterflies in their stomachs.

The normalcy of feelings is acknowledged and the importance of being proactive is stressed. The children learn that pausing when they are emotional is helpful. They can do this by being still, taking a deep breath or counting to ten. Pausing gives children space to see a situation more accurately before planning a response.

Ask your child to describe the 3 steps of the model and what is involved in each one.


Bernard Fitzgerald
St. Joseph’s PA Acting Principal


SAVE THE DATE - 2016 Swimming Carnival

Our annual St Joseph’s Park Avenue swimming carnival will be held on Wednesday, the 16th of November at the Southside Pool.

We have selected this date in the hopes of avoiding a date clash with the Rockhampton Christmas Parade.

The carnival will be held in the evening, commencing at 5:30pm sharp with the Prep races and finish at approximately 8:00pm. As it may be a late night for some of our younger students, age championship medallions will be presented in the MPA at 8:35am the following morning in front of the entire school.

Joeys Junior Touch

Please note that there are no fixture games on Saturday 5th November due to the Red Rooster Touch Carnival weekend.

Grand Finals will be played on Saturday 19th November the morning will include presentations, free sausage sizzle, ice blocks, watermelon etc.

Bernard Fitzgerald
St. Joseph’s PA Acting Principal


Important Curriculum Dates


28th October

Day for Daniel


28th October

World Teacher’s Day


28th October

Bandana Day


Once again this year we will be inviting students to participate in the annual ‘Day for Daniel’. ‘Day for Daniel’ is a National Day of Action to raise awareness about child safety and protection. Parents, carers and

guardians are asked to start a conversation about personal safety in the real world and in an online environment.

Students are asked to wear a red shirt to school on Friday, 28th October with their normal sports uniform shorts. Students are also asked to bring a gold coin donation to go towards a special fundraising project associated with Day for Daniel for 2016.

Teachers will be talking to the students and completing activities as a way of remembering how to stay safe. Please reinforce the important messages of Recognise, React, Report with your children.

What does RECOGNISE, REACT and REPORT mean?

  • RECOGNISE encourages students to be aware of their surroundings and to recognise body clues in situations where they don’t feel safe.
  • REACT helps students to consider choices that may keep them safe or help make them safe again as quickly as possible.
  • REPORT encourages students to report unsafe incidents to an adult.



Learning to read involves children learning skills in comprehension, fluency, accuracy and expanding on their known vocabulary. This week’s skill comes under the heading of comprehension.

Strategy – Determine and Analyse Author’s Purpose and Support with Text

During this strategy, readers identify why the author wrote a text, by giving specific examples from the text to support the reader’s inference. This strategy helps deepen understanding for how to read and comprehend the text. Readers infer the meaning of the text based on the author’s purpose for writing it, which may be to persuade, inform or entertain.


Activity: Word Sort

Divide a piece of paper into however many patterns you have in spelling this week. For example: if you are learning about ‘el’ and ‘le’ endings, divide your paper into two sections, and label the pattern at the top of each section. Have someone read the words to you and write them in the appropriate column. Check your work after you finish.


le - el
table - funnel

Deanne Senini
Assistant Principal Curriculum


As noted earlier, we are in the process of generating our St Joseph’s class lists for 2017 over the next couple of weeks. Please keep in mind that we have already created our Prep list for 2017 and our current Year 3-5 students will be entering the Flexible Learning Areas as an entire group together. Taking this into consideration, if you have serious concerns about your child’s placement in 2017 you need to schedule an appointment through the office to see me before the end of Week 5.

Bernard Fitzgerald
St. Joseph’s PA Acting Principal


TERM 4 FEES were due on Tuesday 25th October

Fee Accounts for Term 4 were due for payment on Tuesday 25th October.

If paying by Direct Deposit, please use your Account Number (6 digit number on your Fee Statement) as the reference.

If your account still remains unpaid please contact Bernard or Megan to advise when it will be settled.


YR 4

What’s Been Happening In Year 4?

Last term saw the students in Year 4 creating some amazing work for their various assessments. In Science and Technology students were required to create a game that demonstrated the forces we had been learning about during the term. The children created some amazing games and exhibited their outstanding Science knowledge. As a culminating activity we dedicated a session to playing the various games, which was very fun indeed.

In HASS, the students were asked to retell stories of the First Fleet using design and/or digital technologies. It was intriguing to hear the myriad of presentation ideas that sprouted from our students. From board games, blogs, emails, websites to news reports – it was all very creative! Of course many students couldn’t resist the temptation to use the new green screen facilities in the Media and Drama building and there were a lot of news reports, interviews and digital retells. Simply amazing work!

Term 4 sees the culmination of our narrative writing program, Seven Steps To Writing Success. Students are planning, writing and editing a narrative using one of the 5 topics provided: jump, gold, risk, the key, fly.

In Religion we have been learning about The Holy Rosary and the Sorrowful Mysteries. We have also explored some prayerful meditation techniques.

Mathematics lessons continue to see the students working on their multiplication and solving open-ended problems. So far this term we have been focusing on tenths and hundredths, angles, tessellating shapes and area.

We are currently enjoying the company of Miss Molloy, a student-teacher studying at CQU.

Have a great week,
Year 4, Mr Hosie, Mrs Mooney and Miss Crane


This Friday is ‘Day for Daniel’ and Bandanna day. ‘Day for Daniel’ is a National Day of Action to raise awareness of child safety, protection and harm prevention. It is about educating children and adults about keeping kids safe through child safety and protection initiatives. It aims to help empower our children to Recognise, React and Report if they feel something is not right

This year we will be asking for a gold coin donation. The Daniel Morcombe foundation has a project that we will be contributing to.

‘Bandanna Day’ is also this Friday. We will be wearing bandannas to raise money for CanTeen. Every bandanna you buy will help CanTeen support young people affected by cancer. You can purchase these for $4 before and after school from the Year 6 students in the courtyard.

We hope that you will support these great causes. See you this Friday in your red shirt and bandanna.


Year 6 would like to thank everybody that supported the Meal deal last week. Thank you to all that provided cupcakes and a special shout out to the parents that helped on the day to make it such a success.


Congratulations to the following students who will celebrate their birthday this week. They are:

Shaylah Ireland (1N), Dakota Wren (6BR), Liam Austin (5T), Hugh Ballinger (2F), Rayna Andersen (2F) and Lachlan Applewaite (PM), Have a great day.


Do you know of someone who has a diagnosed disability? If the answer is YES then PLEASE READ THIS….

The NDIS supports people with a permanent and significant disability that affects their ability to take part in everyday activities. This scheme is currently being trailed in Queensland.

The scheme is designed to identify supports to help individuals

  • live their life as independently as possible.
  • achieve goals in education, employment, health and wellbeing.

It also focuses on early intervention where getting early supports can reduce the impact of disability on you or your child. PLEASE READ the attached flyer and attend this session if you are able. Other information and sessions are happening regularly and if you are unsure about whether or not you should attend or have any questions in general please ask and I can point you in the right direction.

Dates: 1st November or 6th December 2016
Location: CPL Centre 39 Macaree St North Rockhampton
Time: 9:30.00am – 12.30pm
Register Now – Reserve a seat Places are limited

Kath Howell (Learning Support Coordinator)


We are in need of some frozen meals for our Casserole Club. These meals can be Stews/casseroles, mild curries, Spaghetti Bolognese, etc – whatever can be made, frozen, defrosted and heated.

We distribute these meals to families who are finding things a little tough from time to time. And as little as a frozen meal for dinner goes a long way. If you could help us out, please see Sue in the Tuckshop for some containers for the meals to go in. We do ask that you put the name of the meal and the date that it was cooked on the lid. Your help is greatly appreciated by all who receive.

Thank you


WPH&S Volunteers Inductions are necessary for the safety of your children. Therefore we ask that all parents who generously volunteer their time to the school, either in a classroom or in the tuckshop, attend a very brief induction regarding maintaining a safe environment for the children of St. Joseph’s.

These sessions only take about five minutes and are available after assembly on a Monday morning with Deanne Senini, or with Ray Carrington on Thursday afternoons from 1:30pm - 3:30pm. Sue Clarke will also be conducting induction sessions in the tuckshop, if you are helping out in there.

Ray Carrington


Our uniform shop is run by VOLUNTEERS of the school and is open

Monday morning from 8:15 - 8:45
Tuesday afternoon from 2:45 - 3:15
Friday morning 8:15 – 8:45

Please feel free to drop by any uniforms you no longer need to sell. Proceeds can go back to you or you can donate it back to the P & F.


Meatlovers and Hawaiian Pizza are available every Friday for $1.50/slice. Please have your order in a Brown Paper Bag with your name, class and order on it, with the money in side.

Please use a brown paper bag with child’s name and class written on the front.



Simply scan your Drakes Supa IGA key tag and the checkout with your groceries, and automatically 1 cent of every dollar you spend goes to the Cathedral Conservation Fund.

Key tags are available from the office, local church or Drakes stores. Put it on your car keys so you remember to use it.

Key tags can be used at any Drakes Supa IGA supermarket in Queensland. Currently in our Diocese Drakes stores are located at

  • Glenmore (North Rockhampton)
  • Emu Park
  • Calliope
  • Gladstone
  • Toolooa Street
  • Sun Valley


On Friday night the 25th of November at The Cathedral College Assembly Hall, the AZAR Dementia Unit invites you to A Night of Wine & Art. Tickets are $20 each and can be purchased by calling Debbie on 0432 350 486 or Louise on 429 518 483. For more information, please see attached flyer.