15 November 2023
Dear Parents & Guardians
Welcome to Week 7
Last Thursday evening we held our Parents and Friends Annual General Meeting with the main order of business being the nominations and elections of office bearers for 2024. I would like to take the opportunity to thank those executive members who have stepped away from their roles especially Lorinda Goodsall and Katrina Perkins. Both community members have been awesome in their commitment to supporting our students on their educational journey.
The following community members will constitute the P&F Executive for 2024 whom I look forward to working with next year.
P&F Executive 2024
- P&F President –
Leah Benson.
- P&F Vice President –
Jodie McDonald.
- P&F Secretary –
Petrina Brady.
- P&F Treasurer –
Leonie Mooney.
- P&F Regional Delegate (2yrs) –
Robert Brady (2nd Year 2024) Julie Brydon (1st Year 2024)
- P&F Grants Officer –
Jodie Cain
Next Saturday, the 25th of November will be our final Children’s Mass for the year. Please come and join us in Our Lady Help of Christians Church at 6:30pm as we celebrate with the Parish. There will be a ‘cuppa’ after mass, so families are asked to bring a shared plate for a light supper if possible. Hope to see you there.
This week marked our final Monday Morning Whole School Assembly as our final two weeks we will be holding our Semester 2 - Performing Arts Assembly on Monday, 20th November in Week 8 and our Semester 2 Academic Awards on Monday, 27th November in Week 9. All are welcome to attend these special events. If your child will be receiving an award, you will be notified by the school via text message by Friday the 24th of November.
Enjoy the third last week of the year.
Have a great week.
Don’t Forget….
- Semester 2 Performing Arts Assembly. Monday 20th November
- Presentation Night/Christmas Concert. Thursday 23rd November
- Children’s Mass. Saturday 25th Nov @ 6:30pm in OLHC
- Semester 2 Academic Awards. Monday 27th November
- Semester 2 Report Cards posted to Parent Lounge. Wed 29th
- Year 6 Graduation Mass. Wednesday 29th November
- End of Year Mass/Term 4 concludes. Friday 1st December
- Cathedral’s Lights of Christmas. Sun 17th Dec – Sat 23rd Dec @ 7:30pm
- 2024 School Year commences. Monday, 22nd Jan 2024
Kindest Regards
Bernard Fitzgerald
Principal - St. Joseph’s Catholic Primary School, Park Avenue
St Joseph’s 2023 School Improvement Priorities:
- Prayer Life
- Learning Dispositions
- Increased Learning Gain & Achievement
32nd Sunday Ordinary Time
Parable of the 10 Bridesmaids.
Living the Gospel – Living in hope.
A feature of Christian faith is an approach to life that views the future with hope. In our world today many people look to the future with distrust and even fear. As Christians, we look forward with hope. When change occurs, some allow that change to happen to them whilst others engage in the change process and approach it with hope and expectation. Today’s gospel reminds us to be ready for what the future holds; to look with hope towards what lies ahead, but to ensure that we’ve prepared ourselves properly. The future can only be viewed with expectant hope if we’ve done the proper preparation!
@Liturgy Help – Greg Sunter
The Catholic Community of Rockhampton Sacramental Program will be beginning in January 2024.
Children who are baptised Catholics and who are at least nine (9) years of age during 2024.
Parent Information Nights will be held on:
Tuesday, 30 January 2024 5:30 – 6:30pm (at Holy Family Church) and
Thursday, 1 February 2024 5:30 – 6:30pm (at St Joseph’s Catholic School, Wandal)
Attendance at one of these nights is essential for those wishing to enrol in the program. Please use one of the contacts below for further information.
St Joseph’s Cathedral Appeal
As the spiritual home for our Diocese, St Joseph’s Cathedral is vital to our school community. Many groups of students have had the opportunity to visit St Joseph’s and to participate in important celebrations held in it, over many years.
A significant building such as this requires upkeep, and your contribution can help.
Please use the QR code on the image below if you can donate to St Joseph’s Cathedral, Rockhampton.
Liturgical Celebrations Coming Up
Week 7 | Fri | 17th Nov | No Prayer Celebration due to Preparations for Presentation Night | ||
Week 8 | Thur | 23rd Nov 24th Nov 25th Nov | SJPA Presentation Night Prep and Year 6 at Mass No Prayer Celebration due to School Community Mass @ OLHC Saturday 6:30pm | 6pm 9am | MPA OLHC |
Week 9 | Fri | 1st Dec | End of Year Mass which includes: | 9:00am | OLHC |
*SJPA – St Joseph’s Park Avenue
*OLHC – Our Lady Help of Christians church (next to St Joseph’s, Park Avenue)
*MPA – Multipurpose Area (Basketball court)
Elizabeth Carter
Assistant Principal Religious Education
ICAS Results
Congratulations to the following students on their achievements for their ICAS assessments:
Jack Williams:
- Mathematics: Credit
Matilda Wooler:
- Writing, Spelling, Science, English: Participation
- Digital Technologies: Merit
- Mathematics: Distinction
Olivia Hewett:
- Mathematics, Spelling, English: Participation
Elizabeth Compagnoni:
- Writing, Mathematics, Science, Digital Technologies: Participation
- English: Merit
- Spelling: Credit
Corben Emerson:
- Digital Technologies: Distinction
- Mathematics: Distinction
Thomas Compagnoni:
- Digital Technologies, English: Participation
- Mathematics: Merit
- Science: Credit
- Spelling: Credit
- Writing: Distinction
Performing Arts Assembly
Next Monday we will be having our Semester Two Performing Arts Assembly starting at 8:35am in the MPA. During this assembly, the students who learn an instrument (except for the Year 4 class who will be holding their own concert at a later date) will be showing off what they have learnt across the year. Mrs Ellis’ vocal students will be performing a short musical theatre piece to display their vocal talents at this assembly. We look forward to seeing how far our musical students have progressed over the year.
Deanne Senini
Assistant Principal Curriculum
Media coverage can be hard to avoid, and the content related to war can be confronting as adults to process. It can be challenging to know how to explain war and conflict to children or if you should even talk about them at all. We want to protect children from the violent reality of these events, but in today’s ever-connected world, it isn’t easy to keep all media and information from reaching them.
Many children will end up hearing about the war or seeing news footage or images on television or online, intentionally or accidentally, in passing. Children may feel scared, angry, confused or overwhelmed by the events of the conflict, even if they don’t have a personal connection to the country or people involved.
Talking with children about their thoughts and feelings related to the event can be a healthy way to cope with any distress or worries they may have. The link below is to a fact sheet adapted from the National Child Traumatic Stress Network resource. It has been developed to support families when having honest, age-appropriate conversations about war and conflict.
These conversations give your child a healthy and helpful way to process their thoughts and feelings and develop empathy for others.
Brooke Black
Pastoral Support & Wellbeing
Prep is well and truly in the swing of school. The students have learnt so much and are excited to go to Grade 1 next year. Prep have been growing their love of reading and acting out some of their favourite texts. We have also been experimenting with measurement and counting to 20.
Long wavy grass
Splashing through the river.
Through the deep dark forest.
Through the swirling whirling snow storm.
Congratulations to the following students who will celebrate their birthday this week. They are: Mila B (Prep), Cooper P (Yr 5), Georgia G (Yr 1), Cody P (Yr 3), Andie C (Yr 1), Hallie M (Prep), Kaison M (Yr 5) and Emily S (Yr 5).
Have a great day.
Enrolments are now being accepted for new and continuing students to learn the following instruments at St. Joseph’s Park Avenue.
Instrumental Music provides so many benefits to a child – please watch the attached link to a fantastic video about Music and the Brain: Instrumental Music Learning and Brain Fireworks
Please see the attached information letter for details on required year levels for each instrument, and a downloaded version of the enrolment form.
Enrolment link is included here: Instrumental Music Enrolment 2024
Further information is available online at https://emmaus.qld.edu.au/co-curriculum/instrumental-music/
Lessons are of 30-minute duration and will be conducted weekly at school.
Students will be required to have access to a keyboard for practice and purchase a music tutor book and theory book. Lessons will generally be given to groups of 2 or 3 students with some individual lessons available when it is not possible to match students of similar musical ability. The lessons will focus on developing note reading and counting skills and using a chord bass accompaniment. There will also be an emphasis on utilising keyboard features such as different tones and rhythms.
Playing keyboard is an excellent extra curriculum activity to develop not only musical skills, but creative thinking, hand-eye coordination, concentration and commitment to task.
Enrolment forms are available from the office and in the newsletter for both new and continuing students.
Keppel Martial Arts, Uniting Church Hall, 321 Berserker St, Frenchville QLD 4701
Traditional karate and Sports karate.
Sign up for 2024, 4 free trials this November Week 8 & 9, 2oth November to the 1st December.
School terms, new students can start any time of the year.
Mondays and Fridays 3:45 pm to 5 pm
Email sensei robi for more information.
Text: 0427 016 767
Drakes Fundraiser for St. Joseph's Cathedral
I thank you for your support of this project which has raised over $40,000, of which the school community has played an important role. Please continue to support the Cathedral by shopping at DRAKES using your key tag and receiving the benefits.
If you have not been part of this fundraiser you are invited to get a key tag from your local School or Church and shop at your local Drakes, one cent in every dollar you spend will go to the Cathedral. No Fuss, only benefits.
Hoping to see you at Drakes
Stay Safe
Shirley Hopkins,
Co-ordinator, Drakes Fundraiser for St Joseph's Cathedral
The Non-State Schools Transport Assistance Scheme (NSSTAS) provides financial assistance to families transporting children to non-state schools in Queensland. The weekly threshold is reviewed regularly and for Semester 1 2024, the weekly family threshold will increase to $35 ($25 for a concession card holder). Applications for financial assistance can be made now for semester 2 2023 at Non State Schools Transport Assistance Scheme (NSSTAS) (schooltransport.com.au).